Project Zero Perspectives: Making, Thinking, Understanding has ended

PLEASE NOTE that adding courses or sessions to your calendar or personal sched.org schedule DOES NOT constitute conference registration or course selection.

To sign up for your conference agenda for Project Zero Perspectives: Making, Thinking, Understanding click here.

If you have not yet registered for the conference, please visit the CASIE website for further information and registration instructions.  
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Melissa A. Butler

reimagining project
writer + educator
Pittsburgh, PA
Author and educator, Melissa A. Butler, specializes in the art of noticing and holistic learning design. Her most recent books include How to Notice: Expand Your Experience of Everyday Life and IN A BUTTON, a picture book with illustrator Nicholas Hohman. She was a classroom teacher for 23 years and has built a career full of diverse projects embedded in practices of noticing.
read.inabutton.com | read.howtonotice.com